
The Michigan State University football team played the Oregon Ducks in a battle of top ten teams recently. That is a fact. Before the game was concieved in the minds of each school's athletic directors there was a chance, with the development of their programs, they'd be top ranked teams. But no certainty. As game day approached, oddsmakers made the Ducks 12 point favorites. I scoffed and predicted the mighty Spartans would win by two touchdowns!

I still have my day job.
The Spartans fell by a lopsided 46-27 score. Another fact.
Predicting the future is tricky business. When emotions become a factor all kinds of crazy can happen. Bets made, plans prepared, dizzying expectations launched and, most notably, facts ignored.
Much of life is spent trying to predict the future.
- If I take this job I can...
- If I buy this house we will...
- If I stick with this diet I'll have...
- If I vote this candidate we will...
- If I use this curriculum my kids will....
- If I invest in this company it will....
- This technology will...
- If I marry this person we'll....
- If I get my kids involved in this they'll...
How would you like to be the One Being in the Universe who can predict with absolute certainty the outcome of everything?!
Omniscience, by definition, means to hold all the facts of the entire universe and calculate in an instant of time the outcomes of every decision of every human being!
Just think if I'd known --with certainty-- the final score of the Spartans/Ducks before the game was actually played how much emotional pain I could have saved myself. Sad to know they'd lose but not emotionally crushed when they didn't live up to my expectations!
Although there were no Las Vegas oddsmakers around the time of 70 a.d., I'm quite sure the people of Israel, as tenuous as their position was with Rome, wouldn't have bet against themselves in keeping their nation together. In fact, by handing the King of Truth over to Rome's quirky, malevolent judgment they bet on their own ability to escape condemnation!
But God, himself, both warned and predicted that their collective decision to reject their King whose Kingdom is Love, would result in the very dispersion of their nation, scattered to the four winds of the world. Jerusalem has indeed been trampled under the foot of many nations for generations. A historical certainty.
All of this to say: our trust should not be in our ability to ascertain the future or understand all the predictions for this world. Rather, our trust --and peace-- should be in the One who knows with certainty the final outcome of all that He's planned for every single person who is willing to know and love Him.
You can bet on it!