Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Return.4

"For even as the lightning flashes across the sky, illuminating the heavens from the east to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

At the end of time, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens, causing the nations of the earth to tremble.

All will see the Messiah, 
the Son of Man, 
appearing with 
great glory; 

and they will see the Son of Man
     sitting on the right hand of the living God, 
          returning on the clouds of heaven."

Earthquakes and tornadoes share this in common:
 God-born inexorable power capable of reducing man-made things to rubble.

Imagine the world where every power source has been destroyed.  Imagine the sun, moon and stars no longer giving light to the earth.  Imagine in that suffocating darkness the terrible and glorious lightning flash revealing Jesus return to the earth -  transfixing every eye on His glory!

No eye, no mind, no heart will be able to question who is Lord of all the earth!
