Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Good Shepherd.7

"I am the good shepherd who gives my life for the sheep.

The hired hand is no substitute.

He does not care for the sheep as if they were his own;

and when the wolf comes he runs away,
leaving the sheep unguarded.

The wolf catches them, and they are scattered."

Are the Wolves at the door?

David French, senior editor at the National Review, observes: 
"In my travels around the country, one thing has become crystal clear to me. Christians are not prepared for the social consequences of the profound cultural shifts — especially in more secular parts of the nation. They’re afraid to say what they believe, not because they face the kind of persecution that Christians face overseas but because they’re simply not prepared for any meaningful adverse consequences in their careers or with their peers." (emphasis added)
Author Rod Dreher has dedicated an entire book, The Benedict Option, to describing the challenges facing Christ followers in a post Christian world and offering insights from how the church has responded to similar challenges in times past.
"I have written The Benedict Option to wake up the church and to encourage it to act to strengthen itself, while there is still time. If we want to survive, we have to return to the roots of our faith, both in thought and in practice. We are going to have to learn habits of the heart forgotten by believers in the West. We are going to have change our lives, and our approach to life, in radical ways. In short, we are going to have to be the church, without compromise, no matter what it costs.... 
In the first part of this book, I will define the challenge of post-Christian America as I see it. I will explore the philosophical and theological roots of our society's fragmentation...I will consider the critical importance of believers thinking and acting radically in the face of the two most powerful phenomena directing contemporary life and pulverizing the church's foundations: sex and technology."
As an example of the kind of forces at work that Christ Followers are facing: the company I now work for recently held its annual in service day to address the issues affecting us in the coming school year. One of the presenters was a lawyer discussing changes in the federal statute known as "Title IX", a law implemented in the 1990's attempting to force equal sharing of resources for boy's and girl's sports. This "law" has metastasized to include many identity groups under its legally protected umbrella. Most recently "Trans-genders" are now included as a "protected class" under Title IX!

I was aghast! Now federal law is used to protect an entirely made up idea of social behavior!  

With that experience in the background, we recently took some of our grand-kids camping. For a devotional I read Psalm 19

1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. 

2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 

3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." 

I explained that the foundational structure of our society and our governance is based on the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. It is good to immerse ourselves in God's Biblical revelation and in His Natural revelation so that we have a firm foundation on which we can depend to know what is real and true. I talked to them about this very dangerous concept emerging in our culture called "transgenderism": the idea that a person can choose whether to be the opposite gender they were born as, and can "transition" into another sex through drugs, surgeries or government mandates. I pointed out that there is nothing in nature that is "transitioning" into another species or gender. It is an entirely made up idea being recklessly advanced in our society and is destructive to the highest possible good for which we are created. We ought to resist it on the basis of God's word and His work in creation. 

Later that night at the campfire, a friend of our three teenage grand-kids brought out her IPhone and started taking pictures of the adults using a feature of the popular app, Snapchat, that can convert a person's image into the opposite gender. We all shared a good laugh about it (some of the guys actually made attractive females!) But it was a chilling reminder of what the next generation has to deal with in combating the powerful impact of "virtual reality", i.e., the fantasy world of one's choosing, verses the Natural Order of God's creation.

Dreher sights numerous examples of companies, under pressure from LGBQT groups, to ally themselves and their employees with the LGBQT political agenda or risk negative social media retaliation. And, shockingly, many are going along to get along!

I can cite examples from my own family and friends who are dealing directly with the impact of a crumbling culture where companies are opening "Inclusivity Departments" to ensure that no "hate crimes", i.e., having contrary and/or biblical opinions to the company line, are committed on the company clock; or a friend's grief that his step daughter abandoned her sixteen year marriage and three children to take up with a "transgender" male purporting to become a female; or the inability for even state governments to protect the religious convictions of business owners against the wolves of moral morass.

Clearly Jesus' warnings are chillingly relevant today: when evil becomes so suffocatingly difficult to avoid then relationships falter, hearts grow cold, and people betray one another.

What will you or your children do when, in order to keep your job, are required to sign a pledge supporting unbiblical and unnatural behaviors? Lose your job or "go along to get along?" What if your spouse or family don't support your biblical/natural views and pressure you to keep the paychecks coming? Cities across the country are criminalizing "offensive" speech; are you willing to go to jail for speaking God's self-evident truth? Lawlessness is becoming the new normal...

The Benedict Option is a reference to St. Benedict, who as a young man, saw the demoralizing of a culture when the Barbarians seized control. For a while he hid himself away living the life of a hermit. But God called him to form communities that adhered to a strict lifestyle aimed at preserving faith in God, practicing His commands and being a light to a dark world.

Forming similar communities to combat the darkness, pass on Godly values to the next generation and supporting each other in these trying times, is what Dreher believes is the proper/historial response to this social upheaval.

Our "hired hands" -politicians who are either running away from the mess they've helped create or are being exposed as wolves themselves- are not the answer for our preservation. It is in forming tightly knit, loving communities that rely on the Chief Shepherd's protection and grace to see us through.

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3

Now you know! 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Good Shepherd.6

"He calls them each by name, and leads them out to green pastures.

When he leads the sheep out to graze, he goes before them.

They follow him, comforted by the words that he speaks.

They will not follow a stranger; instead, they run from the sound of an unfamiliar voice."

Jesus goes before us.

But where is He leading us? In a very real sense it doesn't matter. To be with Jesus wherever He goes, to be content to munch away on the pasture He gives us at any moment is Life. To Trust Him is the essence of our relationship with Him.

Speaking of trust...

Our friend Kate is an avid trail horse rider and has had many adventures
while on horseback. One of her stories is about a young gelding she took across the state of Michigan on the famed "Shore to Shore" trail ride. During the course of the two week ride there had been considerable rain which made the trail muddy and often nearly impassable. She and her young ride came to a place where the water had formed a pond deep enough to reach his belly. She stopped for a moment to consider a rider in front of her's difficulty in getting up out of the water and looking for a better place to take her steed. Suddenly, a duck and her ducklings came swimming nearby her horse! The four-year old panicked and began flailing to try to run away! After finally getting him settled, he decided that he was NOT GOING TO MOVE! For fifteen minutes she coaxed and coaxed...to no avail. Finally she had to
dismount and lead the wild-eyed, panic-stricken horse through chest deep muck onto dry land! Fortunately, Kate survived this ordeal to be able to tell the story that night at the campfire. She concluded by saying "He just wouldn't trust me! I can take my older horses anywhere at anytime, but he is not there yet!"

The truth is, often times the only way
to build that trust is to go through the swamps together!

If there is a better way of describing our relationship with our Good Shepherd I don't know of one. He goes before us. In fact you could say that in giving up His part in the Godhead and clothing himself in the frailty of humanity he also learned the difficulties we experience in trusting our Master in those fearful places.

Like having your hands and feet nailed to a wooden post after being humiliated and beaten to a bloody pulp. Makes shrinking from a duck seem, well, silly...

Yet, how many ducks swimming nearby in our own swampy, scary places will it take to get us to remain calm and trusting until he can lead us to a better place: our own cross - the place of ultimate trust and devotion to the Father's Perfect Will - wherein we learn to die to our self-will and immerse ourselves in God's Goodness and New Life!

Quack, quack! See you on the other shore!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Good Shepherd.5

"He that enters in
by the front door of the fold
is the shepherd of the sheep.

To him the doorkeeper
opens the door,
and the sheep thrill at
the sound of his voice."

Thrill at The Sound of His Voice:
The Adoration of God

Is there a more beautiful and poignant description in Jesus' words -to all mankind- of the kind of relationship our Creator longs to have with each of us?

George MacDonald has rightly said:

"The reason every human is born is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ!"

Oh that we could change the hearts of those ambivalent toward abortion:
every child IS wanted
by the Creator
to know the love
and adoration
and presence of God!

[tragically, monsters of death will always be among us until the establishment of the Righteous Kingdom]

In the timeless book The Practice of The Presence of God, Brother Lawrence,
a 17th century French monk, offers insights into developing intimacy with our Creator. In describing the impact of Brother Lawrence's life a friend wrote: "God desired to keep saints for Himself until the end of the world. These saints would pay Him a respect worthy of His grandeur and majesty and would be models of virtue because of the holy example they set...such a man was Brother Lawrence."

Here are excerpts from his insights on developing intimacy with God:

"All things are possible to him who believes; still more to him who hopes; still more to him who loves; and most of all to him who practices all three. All of us who believe and are baptized have taken the first step toward perfection [the perfecting Love of God].

First of all, we need to be considerate of God in everything we do and say. Our goal should be to become perfect in our adoration of Him throughout this earthly life in preparation for all eternity. We must make a firm resolution to overcome, with God's grace, all the difficulties encountered in a spiritual life.

From the outset of our Christian walk,
we should remember who we are and that we are unworthy of the name of Christian, except for what Christ has done for us. In cleansing us from all our impurities, God desires to humble us and often allows us to go through a number of trials or difficulties to that end.

We must believe with certainty that it is both pleasing to God and good for us to sacrifice ourselves for Him. Without this complete submission of our hearts and minds to His will, He cannot work in us to make us perfect [in love].

The more we desire to be perfect [in love], the more dependent we are on the grace of God. We begin to need His help with every little thing and at every moment, because without it we can do nothing. The world, the flesh, and the devil wage a fierce and continuous war on our souls. If we weren't capable of humbly depending on God for assistance, our souls would be dragged down. Although this total dependence may sometimes go against our human nature, God takes great pleasure in it. Learning to do so will bring us rest.

The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure
in His divine company, speaking, humbly and lovingly with Him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way. This is especially important in times of temptation, sorrow, separation from God, and even in times of unfaithfulness and sin.

Take a moment to enjoy a
Musical Interlude: Tobymac "Everything"


"We must try to converse with God in little ways while we do our work; not in memorized prayer, not trying to recite previously formed thoughts. Rather, we should purely and simply reveal our hearts as the words come to us.

We must do everything with great care, avoiding impetuous actions, which are evidence of a disordered spirit. God wants us to work gently, calmly, and lovingly with Him, asking Him to accept our work. By this continual attention to God, we will resist the devil and cause him to flee (James 4:7).

Whatever we do, even if we are reading
the Word or praying, we should stop for a few minutes--as often as possible--to praise God from the depths of our hearts, to enjoy Him there in secret. Since we believe that God is always with us, no matter what we may be doing, why shouldn't we stop for awhile to adore Him, to praise Him, to petition Him, to offer Him our hearts, and to thank Him?

What could please God more than for us to leave the cares of the world temporarily in order to worship Him in
our spirits? These momentary retreats serve to free us from our selfishness which can only exist in the world. In short, we cannot show our loyalty to God more than by renouncing our worldly selves as much as a thousand times a day to enjoy even a single moment with Him.

I do believe that it is a common mistake of Spirit-filled people not to leave the cares of the world periodically to praise God in their spirits and to rest in the peace of His divine presence for a few moments."

What can you do this day to Practice His Presence and thrill at the sound of His voice! Let us be those Spirit-filled people who leave the cares of this world on a regular, daily basis to communion with the Shepherd of our souls!

[emphasis added to excerpts]

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Good Shepherd.4

"Still, there are many sheep that are lost outside the fold:

I must gather them as well.
They too,
will rejoice
at the sound
of my voice,
and will become members
of one great fold,
with one shepherd
to care for them
night and day."


"Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

I've been thinking about how our "cares" usually aren't a simple, focused problem but rather layers of complexity with which we struggle. An incident with our second born son perfectly illustrates this.

Last fall, friends found Jesse in his home lying in a pool of his own blood! Their timely discovery and the care of the ICU unit of ProMedica hospital in Toledo saved his life!

Certainly our primary care was saving his life; there was an emotional roller coaster of attempts to locate and stop the internal bleeding. He went through 35 units of blood (our bodies hold 8-12 units at any one time.)

But then there were

  • financial cares,
  • and taking time off work to stay by his side cares,
  • and Jesse's job related cares
  • and dog care cares
  • and what-is-the-purpose-of-this cares.
So casting our cares on Him is more than hoping Jesus takes notice of our problems or feels empathy at our struggles. 

It is trusting that He takes the complexity of our cares and orchestrates them to lead us to His higher ways!
"Is it enough that God thinks about you?
To be something to God--is that not praise enough?
To be a thing God cares for and would have complete for Himself--because it is worth caring for--is not that life enough?"
 -George MacDonald

We rejoice that Our Shepherd cared to keep our son alive. We rejoice to be privileged to hear and see His voice in the tender care of the people who saved Jesse's life. We hope to be the kind of followers that the Shepherd can use to attract others to the flock.

What a Shepherd, what a Savior!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Good Shepherd.3

"I give them eternal life.

They will never be destroyed, nor can anyone tear them out of my hand.

My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than any kingdom or power; and no force is able to pluck even the weakest from his mighty hand."

In my role as pastor I had the privilege of officiating many wedding ceremonies. In those precious moments
watching two human beings make the most important promise of their lives - to live together as One - I don't recall one couple ever vowing together to make each other miserable!

And yet it doesn't take Americans very long to make each other miserable in
their marriages...about 7 years is the average before the end of a life together, once filled with hopes and dreams, comes to a crashing halt!

So perhaps that is why we, generally speaking, have a difficult time understanding words that promise an experience that can withstand the onslaught of doubt, fear, temptation, anger, resentment, accusation, deception and disappointment that we contend with in trying to safeguard promises from one human to another!

"I give them eternal life." What human being really knows what that means? Especially when we struggle so much with the life we do know about? But Jesus isn't calling us to a place, He's calling us to a Person - the Universal Promise Maker and Ultimate Promise Keeper! 

The closest we can get as humans to understanding this idea is, in fact, marriage! When we make those vows to another human being we have no idea what the future holds! We can imagine the future we'd like but it surely isn't one we're guaranteed. I once viewed a college student's research project about the "secret" of marriages that had lasted over 50 years. Everyone of these couples had survived tragic events that had served to make them stronger as individuals in faith and temperament thus ensuring a stalwart, enduring friendship. Events like the loss of a child, economic downturns, financial struggles, natural disasters, and even infidelity!

But I've also witnessed the destruction of those who stop believing in one another and begin to "hedge their bets" against infidelity, tragedy and a general feeling of unhappiness. Isn't the ultimate "hedging" some sort of "pre-nuptial" agreement that deliberately broadcasts that we're so convinced of the unreliability of long term human commitment we're just going to flat out ensure marital failure? How does that ensure failure? Because rather then stating at the outset of the journey that I promise to "give what I can as long as I can", we say "I'll get what I can as long as I can", we send a clear message that I'm in this for me not you.

But the Designer of Marriage viewed it as a covenant not a contract. In a contract, built on distrust, the terms try as best they can to define the minimum obligations and responsibility by the participants. In other words, contracts are a 50/50 agreement: I'll do this if you do that. If circumstances change, I'm no longer obligated.

A Covenant is built on mutual trust and responsibility. It is a 100-0 proposition which says: I am all in, I'll do my part even if you don't do yours! Even if circumstances change, I will do what I said I would do!

In this context, the struggle we have to understand Promises Made/Promises Kept, a conversation with a divorced co-worker takes on more meaning. After five years she still struggles with the bitterness of broken promises. Her attempts to establish a relationship with others is often co-opted by her conscious and unconscious fear of failure and has the potential to destroy the work she's put into building a good family.

Her good friend, a pastor's wife, has tried to help her with her struggles but has been rebuffed in her sage advice time after time after time.

However, the pastor's wife, consciously or unconsciously, describes her own insecurity when she confessed she doesn't know with certainty whether she is going to heaven or not!

"No One Is Able To Snatch Them Out Of My Hand!" And, just in case we didn't get it the first time, Jesus bolstered the message: "My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than any kingdom or power; and no force is able to pluck even the weakest from his mighty hand."

What part of "can't snatch" do we not understand??!!!

Let us confess: we are the weakest when our faith eyes grow dim due to the churning waters of heartache and disappointment which snatch our attention away from Him. We sink and wallow in the despair of our pain forgetting that the Man of Sorrow completely understands and cares for us and does not allow us to endure more than that which helps us grow stronger.

His death on the cross sealed His 100% covenant commitment. His resurrection ensures our 100% security. In Him, author and perfector of Faith, our covenant relationship begins, like marriage, the moment we say "I will" to His invitation to follow.

What is our part in the Covenant? Like sheep, we are called to Follow, i.e., do wholeheartedly what and where He tells us. As MacDonald points out: "If you can think of not one thing this day you have done because the Master said "Do this" or not done because He said, "Don't do this," you have good reason to believe you are not His disciple! Obedience is not perfection, it is trying. And trusting that the Good Shepherd will help us in our trying to get better and better! He always has in view the Perfecting of Love in and through us and knows precisely what and when it will take to get us there!

That, my friend, is Eternal Life! It is something we begin to understand in the here and now, not by becoming sheep herders, but by understanding the truth of the marriage covenant.

The husband, as representative of Jesus, the Head, creates an atmosphere of love and trust through sacrifice and service, that allows His wife to achieve Radiant Beauty. The wife, representing those of us on our way to glory, overcomes her natural inclination to fearfulness and self-will, opens her heart more and more to her husband's direction, discipline, protection and provision for her, allowing God to use that safe environment to help her become all she is meant to be.

  • When a husband is secure in his wife's respect for his God-endowed
  • When a wife is secure in her husband's Godly love for her;
  • When a marriage is living out it's God-centered purpose: creating the ideal laboratory for God's Perfecting love, 
a hostile thought of breakup or divorce has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving! 

It surely is a mystery, but one that leads us to a greater understanding of what it means to be unsnatchable in the Father's hand!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Good Shepherd.2

"I am the good shepherd.

I know my flock and they know me, even as the Father knows me and I know the Father.

I am willing to give my life for the sake of the sheep.

My sheep recognize my voice.

I know them each by name, and they follow me. "

It's been said that in Europe a hundred miles is a long ways while in America a hundred years is a long time! And for most humans thirteen billion light years is an incomprehensibly long time and long way!

With a tip of the hat to young earth creationists for their sincerity and passion, more and more researchers in the geometric sciences agree that thirteen billion light years is, more or less, the breadth and age of the universe.

This same Jesus, the architect of Creation, produced the just right conditions in a vast universe for His crowning achievement: Beings fashioned in the Image of God! He chose to visit this planet and redeem people from their waywardness and self destruction and lead them to His crowning endeavor: Beings fashioned into the Nature of God.

I imagine the time He and the Father spent (who knows, perhaps many millennia) contemplating the things that must be said to humans to help them understand the Purposes of the Perfect Will.

When He came here, He described Himself and His work among humans in terms the simplest would be able to connect with from head to heart.

Good Shepherd
In preparation for this visit, the Creator made sure to fashion a "sentient" (what Hugh Ross would call "soulish") animal -sheep- that would point people to the tenderness of a loving caregiver. By observing a human shepherd's interaction with his flock we can understand Jesus' words describing His relationship with us!

Knowing the Flock
Image result for shepherd and sheepThe Creator instilled in these soulish    animals a sense of community and belonging; qualities that would help people understand the special relationship each one has to the Shepherd and other sheep.

Give My Life
The Nature of Love is sacrifice. Jesus showed us what the Father is always doing: giving himself eternally for the good of people. The motivating force in the universe is Love and is the end to which All Creation is moving. 

One of the deadly consequences of Self-Consciousness and Self-Will is Self-Loathing - a genuine disbelief that someone could love me for what I am.

By dying for the very creatures who rejected their Creator He demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt what true love is and the eternal value He ascribes to every individual on this planet!

Voice Recognition
"Alexa, play my music!" "Siri, find this location." Artificial Intelligence has changed the way we live our lives! But they are soulless servants designed to only do our bidding without anything resembling (except a soft sounding female voice) freely offered loyalty and affection

The Creator's most challenging act of creating was developing a Being like Him capable of communication,  communion, and choice. 

Perhaps more challenging was that these creatures would be able to distinguish His voice in the midst of a din of noise these creatures would be capable of producing! 

Hope resides in His heart as He waits for people to answer His alluring call to Life!

Follow The Leader
Like sheep, humans can get lost rather easily. We need guidance to get to the right destination...most often not even sure what the right destination is. But the destination we are created for is to be at the Heart of the Father, to know our purpose and meaning and to be merry children around His throne!

He Knows Us By Name
"Take a number." Whether at the DMV or a fast food restaurant, we resign ourselves to waiting for our number to be called. As fickle as humanity is - some want to be noticed, some want to blend - the wonder of friendship with Jesus is that he cares about all that happens in our lives. Every event is an opportunity that, as our eternal Shepherd, He coordinates with to shape and refine us into His nature. Our names reveal something about the purpose for which we were created!

They Follow Me
The Shepherd has a right to expect the sheep to submit to his guidance, protection and provision. In a word, He has authority to care for the sheep. And the sheep have a duty to pay attention and follow where He leads and what He does to help them prosper. You could call it a Win-Win proposition! As this flock grows He gets the ever expanding Love for which He fashioned the universe, we get the home for which we long!

Words Mean Things
In the end, it wasn't so much what He said but what He did that demonstrated the Father's Perfect Love. His actions give the Ultimate Meaning to the things He said. May we, like sheep, live just like Him!

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Father.9

"When at last you lift up the Son of Man (on the cross), you will know who I am, realizing that I did nothing according to my own plan or authority, but delivered to you the words which my Father instructed me to proclaim."

Many of us contemplate the purpose and meaning of our life on earth. Just the other day a co-worker, a lady in her 40's, told me she is still trying to figure that out about her own life. It is the primary quality that separates humans from all other sentient or "soulish" creatures: we want to know the why of our existence.

And as we lose our grip on this world, through weariness and decay, the method and time of our departure comes more into focus.

Proudly displaying her block M...for Mavis!

My sister Mazie's health has been declining rapidly over the past few months, so death has come more into focus for us lately. In addition to wrestling with "quality of life" questions posed by her caregivers, I've pondered the meaning and purpose of her life. Before her decline, she was a very intelligent and capable Downs Syndrome person. My favorite story about her was an exchange she had with our mom years ago. After watching a TV commercial featuring the "Mentally Retarded" (this was pre-politically correct programming) she turned to mom and asked, "Am I retarded?" My mom returned, "Do you think you are?" "No", was the simple answer from an unencumbered spirit. "Neither do I", replied Sacrificial Love (the woman who refused to put her "retarded" baby in an institution, a common practice of the day).

Sacrificial Love is probably the best way to describe the truth of Mazie's life on earth, the meaning and purpose of why God put her here. At her graduation ceremony many years ago the school displayed a slide show of the two graduate's accomplishments. The first featured a young man's hand crafts. But the focus of Mazie's "accomplishments" were pictures of an arm around a friend, cleaning up after lunch, helping with projects, serving without fanfare. As I watched, I sobbed deeply at the wonder of a life devoted to caring for others so effortlessly.

At a recent visit with Mazie at her care facility, my teenage granddaughter shared with the nursing staff her impressions of Mazie. "Whenever she came to our house she would always look for things to help with like doing the dishes or folding clothes or making beds. She just loved to serve us."

I never recall her grumbling or complaining (except when we limited her intake of Diet Pepsi...) about any task. Just her presence and zeal for serving others could be quite convicting, believe me!

She, of course, learned sacrificial love from my mom who learned it from her Savior, Jesus, when she opened up her heart to Him after the devastating loss of her husband, our dad, when he was only 31 years old.

Jesus, as perfectly obedient son of the Creator God, contemplated the time and method of his parting this planet. Crucifixion, undoubtedly the most grisly and public form of capital punishment devised by mankind, was a well established industry after centuries of practice.

But as was his practice, he never focused on himself but rather on the meaning and purpose of his life: to deliver the words his Father God had instructed him. This Word, this Logos brought order to the chaos of the world. Centuries later Jesus Christ still impacts the world, because simply by believing in the Name of Jesus order comes into the chaos of every individual who trusts in him! He is the Truth of God revealing the Perfect, Sacrificial, Love of the Father for the world!

I have benefited greatly from that Truth: order from the chaos of losing my dad, the sacrificial love of a mom who refused to cave into fear, and the convicting spirit of my servant sister! The Truth of our existence, like Jesus, Mazie, mom and all who follow Him is what we reveal about our Creator to a world desperately in need of saving...or clean dishes and made up beds!