and acts upon them,
is wise,
and builds on a foundation made of stone.
The rains descend,
and the floods rise.
Hurricane winds beat against the house,
yet it stands strong:
for it is built on solid rock."
Oh how I remember my first building project: I was determined to build a bunk bed for my boys.
Sadly, no one ever actually slept in it! Why you may ask? It seems the concept of "level" (essential if you don't want to, you know, slide off the bed) didn't figure into my work!
Years later I went to work for one of my best friends, Paul Maxim, master carpenter! I quickly learned that there are tools for measuring these concepts: level...and true...and square...
The best thing I learned is if you want
to build something enduring, useful and strong, learn from the best! But the real question is when does learning occur; more specifically, when does understanding take hold? When you grasp it in your head or when you put it into practice?
One of the first jobs Paul gave me when I went to work for him was cutting off "rafter tails" on a house he was building. It was a simple enough task: using an electric saw to trim off excess board lengths...until he pointed out that they were on the second story of the house! I would have to stand on the roof, reach over the edge as far as I could while trying not to look down! It was a windy, damp and cold day and I came very close to handing in my tool belt and walking away from carpentry for good!
But I did it; I did what he told me to do! It changed me. At least it began the change in me. First I conquered a fear. Second I realized, through the experience, that I actually could do it! Third, it made the next task a little easier having that extra confidence in myself, confidence that comes from doing what is required and accomplishing it.
My Master, Paul, sizing up my capabilities (including my lack of experience and skill) gave me a job, challenging enough, he needed done and figured I could do. He did not give me something entirely beyond my abilities. He gave me the basic information and tools I needed to accomplish it. No classes, no detailed explanation of the characteristics of wood, no theories on the variety of ways to cut it. Just simple directions. I got just enough information to do it. The only thing left was will, choice, and action. The only hope of understanding ultimately comes in the doing!
And yet...think about our relationship to our Master, Jesus. Consider how much emphasis is put on understanding things about Him rather than simply putting His words into practice! How many seminaries and seminars, sermons and series, books and opinions on what others think He meant (and what they mean for us to think) are offered rather than the encouragement to just obey. As George McDonald says, "It is the one great heresy of the church that it is always offering anything other than obedience as faith in Christ!"
But what is the faith OF Jesus? The same as He requires of each of his followers: obedience! Obedience to the will of His Father.
Start with one of his commands. You could look them up yourself but I'll use a portion of a list compiled by the Institute In Basic Life Principles to help:
Let's say, in light of the world's preoccupation with viruses today, we put into practice this one:

However, like my friend Paul, Jesus sizes up our experience and skill then gives us what we are able to handle to give us the experience and confidence we need, as we try, to keep on trying...and growing...and getting better! Honestly, it may take a lifetime to learn, really learn to the core of our being to Fear Not; i.e., learn that God is fully capable of shielding, protecting, providing, and proving Himself more than adequate for our trust! But what better way to learn than knowing we have a Master Builder in our life to watch over us, applaud our progress and lead us where we need to be and eventually realize there is no other place we'd want to be!
If you, as an individual, learn to not fear for yourself by trusting in the God of all Goodness to use the current situation to craft your character, it is surely the beginning of salvation for your family, community, country and the world!
to build something enduring, useful and strong, learn from the best! But the real question is when does learning occur; more specifically, when does understanding take hold? When you grasp it in your head or when you put it into practice?
One of the first jobs Paul gave me when I went to work for him was cutting off "rafter tails" on a house he was building. It was a simple enough task: using an electric saw to trim off excess board lengths...until he pointed out that they were on the second story of the house! I would have to stand on the roof, reach over the edge as far as I could while trying not to look down! It was a windy, damp and cold day and I came very close to handing in my tool belt and walking away from carpentry for good!
But I did it; I did what he told me to do! It changed me. At least it began the change in me. First I conquered a fear. Second I realized, through the experience, that I actually could do it! Third, it made the next task a little easier having that extra confidence in myself, confidence that comes from doing what is required and accomplishing it.
My Master, Paul, sizing up my capabilities (including my lack of experience and skill) gave me a job, challenging enough, he needed done and figured I could do. He did not give me something entirely beyond my abilities. He gave me the basic information and tools I needed to accomplish it. No classes, no detailed explanation of the characteristics of wood, no theories on the variety of ways to cut it. Just simple directions. I got just enough information to do it. The only thing left was will, choice, and action. The only hope of understanding ultimately comes in the doing!
And yet...think about our relationship to our Master, Jesus. Consider how much emphasis is put on understanding things about Him rather than simply putting His words into practice! How many seminaries and seminars, sermons and series, books and opinions on what others think He meant (and what they mean for us to think) are offered rather than the encouragement to just obey. As George McDonald says, "It is the one great heresy of the church that it is always offering anything other than obedience as faith in Christ!"
But what is the faith OF Jesus? The same as He requires of each of his followers: obedience! Obedience to the will of His Father.
Start with one of his commands. You could look them up yourself but I'll use a portion of a list compiled by the Institute In Basic Life Principles to help:
- Repent
- Follow Me
- Rejoice
- Let your light shine
- Honor God's Law
- Be reconciled with others
- Do not lust
- Keep your word
- Go the second mile
- Turn your cheek
- Give to those that ask
- Love God
- Love yourself
- Love your neighbors
- Love your enemies
- Be Perfect
- Fear Not
- Seek first God's Kingdom
- Lay up treasures
- Judge not
- Ask, seek, knock
- Do unto others
Let's say, in light of the world's preoccupation with viruses today, we put into practice this one:
"Fear not."
(its been said that this is the most frequent command in the Bible...interesting)
- Are you afraid of dying from an unknown disease?
- Are you afraid the healthcare system will break down?
- Are you afraid of not having enough toilet paper? (kidding...sort of)
- Are you afraid other people won't take the warnings as seriously as they should?
- Are you afraid for the elderly and vulnerable?
- Are you afraid the government is not doing enough? Doing too much?
- Are you afraid society might not recover from the economic sanctions?
- Are you afraid for your own financial security?
- Are you afraid your neighbors might turn you in for not being afraid?
- Are you afraid nothing will ever be the same?
- Are you afraid for the future?
- Are you not even sure of what you are afraid?
However, like my friend Paul, Jesus sizes up our experience and skill then gives us what we are able to handle to give us the experience and confidence we need, as we try, to keep on trying...and growing...and getting better! Honestly, it may take a lifetime to learn, really learn to the core of our being to Fear Not; i.e., learn that God is fully capable of shielding, protecting, providing, and proving Himself more than adequate for our trust! But what better way to learn than knowing we have a Master Builder in our life to watch over us, applaud our progress and lead us where we need to be and eventually realize there is no other place we'd want to be!
If you, as an individual, learn to not fear for yourself by trusting in the God of all Goodness to use the current situation to craft your character, it is surely the beginning of salvation for your family, community, country and the world!