I was thinking today about the miracles of Jesus' healings. What I think often gets lost in the stories is the actual person who received a healing. You've more than likely seen reenactments of Jesus' life and ministry on movies and tv. Two of my favorites are the Matthew story starring Bruce Marchiano, and The Passion of the Christ with James Caveziel playing Jesus. In the Matthew video, the thing that stands out is the actor's portrayal of a Jesus with real joy and zest for life. When he bent over to touch a wounded soul there was always a twinkle in his eye as if he were saying, "Wait till you see what me & my Father have in store for you!"
But my favorite is when Caveziel's Jesus takes a moment in the mayhem of the Garden to restore the temple guard's ear after being swiped off by Peter's clumsy sword blow. The guard just stays on his knees long after they've taken Jesus away; captured by an eternal presence that has shaken him to the core of his being!
Humankind is in nature easily distracted, fickle, hard to persuade and harder still to heal due in large part to self-will and pride. But with great patience and tender hands he kept on his mission, for to Him "obedient love in the heart of the poorest he healed or persuaded, was his kingdom come."
Not all who were healed by Jesus gave themselves back to Him in obedient love and allegiance. Remember the ten lepers and only one returned to thank Him?
May we be the kind who respond to His word in obedient love, going where He leads, doing what is right!
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