Be warned; those that reject my words will be held accountable: the truth that I have spoken will stand as their judge on the last day.
I'm 5'4". If you factor pygmies and NBA giants I am "average" height.
Truthfully, as I approach the age 63, I still have nagging doubts about my Being. I have been a child, son, student, actor, athlete, musician, husband, father, clerk, salesman, laborer, printer, designer, business owner, pastor, teacher, bus driver, carpenter, farm hand.
The measure of my success has not been thunderous ovations from adoring fans, but it has been regular paychecks I received from -generally speaking- ambivalent employers for the work I produced. In one way, my Being was "judged" by those who used my varied skill set to achieve their goals.
The measure of my success has not been thunderous ovations from adoring fans, but it has been regular paychecks I received from -generally speaking- ambivalent employers for the work I produced. In one way, my Being was "judged" by those who used my varied skill set to achieve their goals.
As satisfying as it can be to be rewarded for labor produced (with the fruit of that labor I raised a family and achieved some of my own goals) there is still a longing to know and experience greater success. Not bigger paychecks or louder applause, but the knowledge that my Being mattered; that there was a truth to my existence for which I will be eternally satisfied!
The ultimate success, according to Jesus, is how our "Being" measured up to Truth. Not that we merely spoke accurate facts or didn't lie but that as MacDonald states:
by "obeying the Will that is the cause of our Being,
the cause that demands us to be true, and that Will being
by "obeying the Will that is the cause of our Being,
the cause that demands us to be true, and that Will being
- Righteousness and
- Love and
- Truth
When a man is, with his whole nature, loving and willing the truth, he is then a live truth.
He is the thing God created him to be.
Dr. Jordan Petersen, professor of clinical psychology, observes:
"At the beginning of time, according to the great Western tradition, the Word of God [logos] transformed chaos into Being through the act of speech. We also transform chaos into Being, through speech. We transform the manifold possibilities of the future into the actualities of past and present. To tell the truth is to bring the most habitable reality into Being.
- Truth builds edifices that can stand a thousand years.
- Truth feeds and clothes the poor, and makes nations wealthy and safe.
- Truth reduces the terrible complexity of a man to the simplicity of his word, so that he can become a partner, rather than an event."
MacDonald expands on this "partnership":
"But a man has not originated this in himself. He has seen it and striven for it, but not originated it.
The one originating, living, visible truth, embracing all truths in all relations, is Jesus Christ.
He is true; he is the live Truth.
When a man is true, if he were in hell he could not be miserable. He is right with himself because he is right with him whence he came.
To be right with God is to be right with the universe; one with
- the power,
- the love,
- the will of the mighty Father,
which he will not have in his kingdom."
Adapted From Unspoken Sermons III, The Truth
When I proposed marriage to my wife many years ago I told her that my one ambition in life was to do the will of God no matter where that might lead. His will has lead us to many places, with many chapters beginning with great promise and ending, more often than not, leaving my 5'4" frame battered and bruised wondering whether I'd missed a turn along the way.
For the way of His Will is not lined with cheering crowds urging us on. It is often dark and foggy, lonely and fearful with the only thing we can occasionally get glimpses of is the Savior in front beckoning us on into the light until we begin to see that following His Will is not simply altering our direction as we mentally brace ourselves for some new duty, but loving the Will that brought us safely to where we are. Stronger, Godlier, more manifestly True than when we started.
To be rescued from meaninglessness is the cry of every human heart!
To stand in the day and hear the thunderous ovation of an audience of One is the reason we're born!
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