You are from the earth.
I am from above.
You are of this world.
I am not of this world."
The Ultimate Extraterrestrial

Suppose this very Man-God had delayed His visit to this uniquely designed life-sustaining planet (supposing, of course, that His actual timing had nothing to do with the advancement of civilization). With today's 24/7 news cycle, can you imagine the debates that would erupt about the legitimacy of His message? What governmental agencies would NOT be employed to investigate His outrageous claims? What scientific bodies would not covet the chance to research His miraculous command of natural phenomena?
Hugh Ross, anthropologist/astrophysicist, makes a startling observation:

That certainly puts perspective on the words of Jesus and lifts the accounts of angelic visitations to a whole new level of wonder. Given what we know about the ubiquitous laws that exist throughout the billions of galaxies in this universe, Jesus' claim to come from outside this world confronts humanity with this choice: was He a lunatic or the Lord Creator God?!
Think about what we could do with the billions of dollars we could save not listening to the stars but rather broadcasting Jesus' message to this world!
Hugh Ross, anthropologist/astrophysicist, makes a startling observation:
Ross, Hugh. Why the Universe Is the Way It Is (pp. 60-61). Baker Publishing Group. (Emphasis added)"Given the limitations imposed by the laws of physics and the conditions of interstellar space within the Milky Way Galaxy, a trip by physical intelligent aliens from another planetary system to Earth would take at least 25,000 years... That length of time implies multiple generations. As challenging as it might be to keep one generation focused on a single mission for their entire lives, the possibility of maintaining that focus throughout hundreds of generations seems hard to imagine. A more fundamental problem for interstellar space travelers, however, is that a trip of more than 25,000 years exceeds any reasonable extinction time for the onboard inhabitants. It’s one thing to keep a high-tech, intelligent species alive on a good-sized, resource-rich planet for that long (although even that possibility seems doubtful); it’s quite another to keep such a species alive, healthy, and goal-oriented for thousands of years within the confines of a spaceship."
That certainly puts perspective on the words of Jesus and lifts the accounts of angelic visitations to a whole new level of wonder. Given what we know about the ubiquitous laws that exist throughout the billions of galaxies in this universe, Jesus' claim to come from outside this world confronts humanity with this choice: was He a lunatic or the Lord Creator God?!
Think about what we could do with the billions of dollars we could save not listening to the stars but rather broadcasting Jesus' message to this world!
"For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him
should not perish
but have eternal life."
-John 3:16
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