Immerse yourself, for a moment, in this proclamation by our Elder Brother, Friend, Savior, Lord and Master.
Now combine that thought with this MacDonaldism:
"Jesus has a right to our absolute obedience."
If you, lover of truth, can handle the truth.
If you, lover of truth, allow truth to stand in judgment of you
and resist standing in judgment of truth.
Then let this truth fill your heart: God has a design on our lives that goes beyond occupation, degree, matrimony, parenthood, community standing or history. It is our birthright.
Notice at the top of this blog page the words: "Will and Obedience the perfecting link between God and man."
Think on the relationship between Perfect Father and Perfect Son. Perfect Will. Perfect Obedience. Obedience is as divine as Will, Service as divine as Rule. They are one in nature; they are both doing of the truth. The Fatherhood and the Sonship are one, save that the Fatherhood looks down lovingly, and the Sonship looks up lovingly. Love is all.
Think about the requirement of the kingdom of God: childlikeness.
Why childlikeness? Consider the dull disciples arguing about "greatness" in God's kingdom. Consider our own insecurity in relation to others of skill, wealth, humor, passion, leadership, athleticism, intellect, persuasiveness, experience, position or purpose.
Jesus tells the dull of all ages that the nature of His kingdom lies in the virtue of childlikeness. The very idea of ruling is excluded where childlikeness is the One Essential quality. It is to be no more who rules but who serves; no more who should look down upon his fellows from the conquered heights of authority, but who should look up honoring humanity, ministering unto it, so that humanity itself might at length be persuaded of its own honor as a temple of the living God. Nothing is required of man that is not first in God. It is because God is perfect that we are required to be perfect.

Be the sign of truth that lies in your childlike heart that the eyes that see you and the ears that hear you should be channels to the heart and wake in them the love that peculiarly belongs to the kingdom of God.
(from MacDonalds Unspoken Sermon vol. I, The Child In the Midst)
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